This artwork is accompanied by an Authenticity Certificate.

Wooden Matchbox with Matchsticks I*
Teakwood Sculpture
16″ x 9″ x 3″
Title: Wooden Matchbox with Matchsticks I *
Artwork Size: 16″ x 9″ x 3″
Medium: Sculpture (Teakwood)
Artwork ID: 6689

2.00 4.00


This artwork is accompanied by an Authenticity Certificate.

Suryakant Lokhande is an Indian Asian Modern & Contemporary artist who was born in 1969. His work consists of liberating the subjects from the properties they have in the world of reality. It means that these subjects are given at the same time new characteristics that they did not previously have in the real world. Articles that he frequently use are faded family portraits, self-portraits, metal objects, metal panels, automobile paints, old books, text, toys and cartoons from my daughter’s collection.

Instead of using the images from various sources in themselves, he prefers to repaint them in an instinctive order. This kind of transformation is very essential in his work. In general, it denotes the physical phenomena in each individual’s world, but in his case, it does not remain only in the present, because he accept as reality all memories of the past that are currently non-existent, as well as the phenomena of dreams and fantasy.

It is most definitely an arduous task to relate the phenomenon of mind through images. If photography has been chosen as the medium despite that fact, the task must be accomplished through some other special method.