This artwork is accompanied by an Authenticity Certificate.

Oil Acrylic & Charcoal on Canvas
30″ x 30″
Title: Wings
Artwork Size: 30″ x 30″
Medium: Painting (Oil Acrylic & Charcoal on Canvas)
Subject: Wildlife
Size: Medium
Artwork ID: 3739


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This artwork is accompanied by an Authenticity Certificate.

Subhaprasanna graduated from Indian College of Art (R.B. University Calcutta) in 1969. He has had many solo and group shows in India and abroad. He has participated in many workshops and also been awarded by Birla Academy, Calcutta and the State Lalit Kala Academy, West Bengal. The artist has seven publications to his credit. Collections of his work can been seen at the National museums, private collections in India and abroad.

The themes of Subhaprassana’s paintings come from his personal interactions with the urban milieu of the city of Kolkatta – its sickness and sordidness, its violence and vulnerability and all that compounds its existential agony. Subhaprasanna’s series of paintings, Icons and Illusions, marks a creative breakthrough for the artist. Whereas he had been known in the past as an urban artist with subject matter that reflected the byways, alleyways, birds, and people of his native city, in Icons and Illusions, he relished more in gods and flowers.