This artwork is accompanied by an Authenticity Certificate.

Acrylic On Canvas
30″ x 36″
Artwork Size: 30″ x 36″
Medium: Painting (Acrylic On Canvas)
Subject: Abstract
Size: Medium
Artwork ID: 8229


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This artwork is accompanied by an Authenticity Certificate.

Partha Pratim Deb is best known for his unique artworks which bring together pulp, terracotta, glass, as well as discarded household objects, junk and leftover pieces of canvas. As a student of Kala Bhavana in Santiniketan, Partha Pratim Deb drew inspiration from artists such as Nandalal Bose, Benode Behari Mukherjee and K G Subramanyan during his early days. However his later works reveal a clear departure in both vision and method and reveal the influences of the idioms of the post-war artistic developments in the West. The artist lives and works in Kolkata, India.