Metallic Acrylic & Ink On Canvas
24” x 24”
Artwork Size: 24” x 24”
Artwork ID: 8562
A clever use of flatness and intricacy can be seen in the colourful works of Nagesh Goud, who largely drew his inspirations from traditional Kalamkari and Paithan art. Though the subject matter is derived from age old epics and myths the approach is very nascent. The narrative is fragmented and reconstructed to cater to his visual feast, where strong flat hues are embellished with intricate patterns and designs. This is his personal creative visual vocabulary codified and internalised in search of an innovative idiom. The colour, line and the application is a very humble uncomplicated effort, whereas the compositions display a complex schema of juxtapositions.
The central characters occupy the canvas leaving vast negative spaces on which the artist draws meticulous imagery. The imagery unsurprisingly is inspired by ancient anecdotes, particularly from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The potent renditions of the narratives not only emerge as entirely fresh but also allow the viewer to interact with the each character cognising and decoding the web of imagery. The dramatic effects of filigree like decorative patterns, which run through the cut-coloured composition of puppet like figures, evidently show his craftsmanship. With this interesting device, Nagesh Goud diligently re-creates the age old narratives by bringing a fresh theatricality in his astounding creations..