Partha Shaw

Partha Shaw is a painter who schooled in Santiniketan – But even though Shaw had this rich and overflowing background to borrow from, he like most of the other artists there, decided to create a style of his own and add to the heritage he learnt of, rather than make use of it. A place steeped in artistic tradition and history, generated by masters like Nandalal Bose and the Tagores, and enhanced by modern and contemporary artists like K.G. Subramanyan, Sunil Das and Dharmanarayan Dasgupta. It was in Santiniketan that Partha Shaw developed his imagination and creative vision. But even though Shaw had this rich and overflowing background to borrow from, he like most of the other artists there, decided to create a style of his own and add to the heritage he learnt of, rather than make use of it. Here, he could also closely study nature and the works of the great Indian masters. Taking off from the unique Indian miniature, Shaw gave shape to his personal vocabulary of artistic expression, which is characteristically Indian and at the same time is loaded with modernity.

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  • Partha Shaw

    Acrylic on Handmade Paper
    20″ x 20″
    Title: Ratha
    Artwork Size: 20″ x 20″
    Medium: Painting (Acrylic on Handmade Paper)
    Subject: Abstract
    Size: Small
    Artwork ID: 3727




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